Secret Santa

Um sistema bem simples para fazer organizar distribuição de presentes no método amigo secreto" (ou amigo oculto, como dizem fora de SP... Não sei como é em Portugal).

Vem com um tema natalino, mas é fácil de mudar.

Site Oficial

Well, prior to this web interface, the way it would usually work would be:

* Get everyone together, physically.
* Have everyone's name in a hat.
* Have each person pick ONE name from the hat. If the person picks their spouse, signifignat other, etc. they put that name back in the hat and pick a new name (under the assumption that they would be buying them a gift outside of the Secret Santa anyhow) until they found one.

The problems are that, in many cases, it is difficult to get everyone together PRIOR to the holidays when families or groups of friends are spread out. On top of that, it can be a royal pain in the rear when you keep picking from a hat and keep getting a spouse or the same person you had last year.

The program take away all of the problems and just leaves you with the FUN of having a successful "Secret Santa" or "Polyanna".

It can keep track of "Relationships", which are considered invalid picks, so it will never pick your spouse for you.

It handles all of the randomness of the picks, as well as understanding when the picks are SO limited that no good set of random picks can be made.

And, finally, it is web-based, so it can be set up prior to the holidays, and people in the group can get to it at their leisure."

Demo Oficial do Secret Santa

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