Um CMS específico para sites de cursos on-line. Foi muito fácil de instalar, nem precisei abrir o "INSTALL.TXT".
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atutor (não verificado)
qua, 07/13/2005 - 15:44
ATutor 1.5 Released
ATutor 1.5 Released
July 12, 2005
ATutor 1.5 has been released with many new features and enhancements. Some features to look for: modular Student Tools, a SCORM Run-Time Environment, extended theme capabilities, and the ATutor Handbook, among many others. Users are encouraged to upgrade their current systems.
Visit the ATutor site for a full list of features, a demo, and a download.
New Features in ATutor 1.5
*Bundled Help*: Student, Instructor, and Administrator documentation is now bundled with each installation of ATutor. Context sensitive help within ATutor links directly to the appropriate page in the Handbook. In the coming weeks expect an interactive documentation site with user tips and comments.
*Extended Themes* : Themes are now simpler to create and allow for more flexibility than before. The default look and feel of ATutor has been improved. Themes now inherit from the default, so it is possible to modify just a single theme file, such as a stylesheet or header file, to create a whole new theme.
*SCORM Run-Time Environment & SCO Manager* : Thanks to Matthai Kurian and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich for contributing an ATutor SCORM run-time environment (RTE) and SCO package manager. Add prepackaged, interactive, interoperable content to your courses. Initial support for SCORM 1.2 LMS-RTE3, with additional SCORM 2004 support coming.
*Course Tool Preferences* : Instructors can choose from the available student tools and menu modules, selecting only those tools and modules that are used in a particular course. Display tools in the main navigation, or link them from the course home page for quick access. Select tools that match different pedagogical approaches to teaching online.
*Multiple Administrators* : Create multiple administrator accounts, assigning specific privileges to each. Have one administrator manage users, have another manage courses, and have another manage the system configuration.
*System Preferences* : Edit the system configuration options (i.e. the file) from within ATutor.
*Require Email Confirmation* : Optionally require all newly created accounts to validate their email address before logging in.
*Directory* : Courses now provide a way for all students and instructors to find each other.
*Content Usage* : The Course Tracker has been replaced with the Content Usage tool, allowing instructors and students to track their usage.
*Master Student List* : Require newly created student accounts to be authenticated against a custom imported student ID/PIN paired list imported from a central registration database or directory service.
*Test/Survey Manager Upgrade* : When creating randomized tests from a larger pool of questions, choose to make some of those questions required.